Saturday 14 July 2012


not complete because i have no eyebrows. wtf


Sunday 8 July 2012

Hari Koperasi + Koko Day

Last Wednesday. Always loving Wednesday. Haha Soo yeah, its hari koperasi last Wednesday. Our booth sells..........u forever cant guess what it is. its fire extinguisher wtfff . Our teacher force us to sell that. Btw, we earned about rm90 i think overall. not bad lah, I tot we cant earn anything lehh LOL All the buyers are teachers la. If not student wan buy meh LOL!

EeLynn (the fulltime partner) hahahaha

in our booth
Too black la!
Order List hahahaha

Hair of the dayyyy =DD
Xiiao V w/ me hehehe!
Take one
Take Two
Take Three
Take four
Take five

Cutest girl in the world!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAH  obviously im the photographer HAHAHA
Went for lunch @TianTianLai before koko starts. Right after we reach the school, rains heavily. Lucky us huh? HHEHEHE

So windy awww
Edited in my camera LOLOL too bored
Meet up with Bebe and Kar En
Economic Teacher
Classmatess <3
Play monopoly after that
Bye! :p