Friday 31 August 2012

Shits happen. Its life.

This is before I cut my hair. :/
I dont know who is reading this. maybe no one. but my blog is so dead
Trial exam going on now.. I dont know why I just dont have that study mood on.. Wasted a lot of time.. Did alot of lifeless thing =__= keep on refreshing the twitter timeline and instagram. :/

Yeah alot of shits happen recently.. maybe the God just want me to learn from it. Learn to be wise next time. I just need to be stronger. Shits happen to make us stronger right? Ya.. face it with a big smile. Thats the best revenge..

Thankyou for giving me hope and tell me you like her. Thankyou very much

Saturday 18 August 2012

Senjyu @ e-Curve

Anyone miss me? No I guess. LOL or you dont even remember me? HAHA

Anyway, im blogging tonight! So yeah, its our school holidays now :3 But for me, this holiday is not to enjoy but stay at home and study for my SPM Trial Exam :x Did a timetable for myself. Hopefully I can really follow it. The worst subject is History /.\ There are 19 chapters for us to remember. Every single chapters have all kinds of shits for us to study. HOW TO STUDY WOI!

Im glad that I was born in year 1995 because if I was born in year 1996, its compulsory for me to pass History :s thanks god! AND AND AND! I just checked my National Service last month. God Bless, im not choosen to go for national sevice HEHE

Just back from Curve to have my dinner! .


Strawberry Soda

Patiently waiting for my food. Hehe

Sashimi Set

Zoom in

Miso Ramen


Happy face. Eating Salmon!

Dessert . Green Tea Ice Cream Pudding