Sunday 30 September 2012

Graduation Night 2012

Holla everyone ^^ It was our school graduation night last two days heheh Oh its the first year our school having graduation night. See! 95' batch always so lucky one hehe

I din get to sit the same table with my best friends :( sadsad. Btw, its a great night (: Feel like skipping the SPM and just graduate. hahaa Argh 36 days to SPM. Time flies huh? 

This outfit is not allowed hor...... sad :( have to add a unmatching jacket to it :/

W/ mummy before leaving the house!
The hall

Friends ^^
The fulltime partner of the night haha
This two very kind. Came over our table and accompany us XD
W/ Zhou Liang ^^ 183cm why u so tall :O

w/ zhoung liang again
bad picture quality :'( from phone. W/ bebe <3
EeLynn's earing, so naiseee
Gift from school ^^

Sunday 23 September 2012

Steamboat time

Spm trial exam over yo! *happykid* Little celebration last night with the three best fwen, heh :D We went to Yen ShabuShabu @ Menjalara :3 Had fun with them heheh

Nothing much to crap hahaha. Picture time ^^

w/ eelynn ^^

Cheers icecream . Ate 12913545461 bowls MUAHAHA
Teddy bear LOL
Fake bao yu oh ! :p Ate 15895462546 also lol

Blur picture of me eating icecream ^^

four of us ^^


Bye! Enjoy ur weekends (: