Saturday 13 October 2012

Genting Highland

Ohaii reader ^^ Im back yoh! Updating my Genting trip with my family last weekend. Genting gave us free room in First World Hotel yoh =D Thanks Genting ^^

We took a cab and reach there Friday night at about 8pm something =D We had our dinner @Nyonya Colours. Every shop food are expensive one :( Still ok lah, can use their wifi Muahaha =p After dinner, we went back to our hotel room to rest :)

the view from my hotel room window. we are staying 28th floor :S
Next morning, Im awake and alone in the room. So scary zzz. Mummy and daddy went to casino. WHY U LEFT ME ALONE WTF. Forget about it z. Dress up and went out shopping w/ mummy ^^

Under estimate the weather there. It was so cold zzz

I guess this was the Mid autumn festival decoration ^^
not bad huh ?

The new snow world (renovated one)
the sad thing is we are not allowed to bring our camera in :/

@Nyonya colour
Me and D.O heheh
Very happy when see this haha
because very colourfull!
Right ???

Spot the two dears over there hahaha
Mummy bought me cotton on dress yay!

At night , daddy and us went for dinner at Highland there. Chinese restaurant, forget the name ;p

everyone on phone -___-
Ohh food finally here!
Yummmmehhh !!!!!!!!!!!
soups :9
Curry fish :3
This is jiseusnsocjdus TASTY !!!!!!! omg

After dinner, we walked around. Argh cant stand so we bought deserts back to hotel and EAT! muahahaha
Cakess =DD

no more image hahaha
Thats all for Day one ^^ Sunday, which is day two. Dress up and pack our bag. Its time to go back home T.T missing the cold air (like free aircond haha)

last few picture before i leave the hotel room =D

We went to Bentong for lunch. since its on the way home and we passed by there hahahah
not bad =D
they have their own kolam rare fish one leh =DD (damn big one)
Getting hungry now.....
My favourite vege
Fried sotong ^^
See! ^^ still got goose one . hahaha!
Okay! thats all for this post. =D Ohyaa, in case ure wondering. My apps on phone (twitter instagram facebook) are deleted. Will use it after my SPM. :) have a nice day everyone !! =D