Wednesday 24 September 2014

Bangkok Day 3 (Part 1) !

Hello peeps!!
Keep changing outfit until I feel most comfortable in !

My favourite day of Bangkok trip is day 3!!! Because everything is so exciting!!! And we had a long day that day!!! So I divide day 3 into 2 parts!!! Lets start!!!

Mini ininerary:

Morning : Floating Market
Afternoon : Grand Palace
Evening - Night : Siam Area (Siam Square, siam paragon etc)

Bangkok Day 3 ( Part 1 ) 

Scary or not........ lol 

Previously, floating market wasnt in our itinerary. But, we changed our plan on day 2! So, we went to our hotel information counter and asked if they have any tour. They have!! Hurray haha

So, the floating market we are going is Damnoen Saduak Floating Market. Our hotel help us to book a taxi to bring us to the floating market. Its not really tour, its just the taxi bringing us where we wish to go for one whole day. So, it was 1000baht (RM100) for one whole day. You can choose any two places that you wish to go. We choose Floating Market and Grand Palace. There are more places such as Crocodile Farm, Ancient City etc.

It took about 1 and half hour from hotel to the floating market. :) When we reach there, we realised everything is so expensive. OMG here starts the journey of us spending all of our money. T.T

US !! On the boat ngek ngek 

We need to pay RM300 (3000baht) for this boat riding. Its not based on the number of people, its based on per boat. So, for us its counted as quite expensive coz only 3 person on boat. One person is like RM100 for 2hours boat riding. BUT, if you are going in a bigger group, its totally worth. Maybe.. like 8 person? 
Actually, we have 2 option to choose.

1. RM200 for 1hour boat riding. Only go around floating market.
2. RM300 for 2hours boat riding. Goes to floating market, coconut farm, and temple.

We choose option 2. Honestly, I think the coconut farm and temple is not worth going at all. The coconut farm is not even a coconut farm =.='' Its just a place that sell all kind of stuff made from coconut. I was expecting something more fun. Btw, all the stuff at the coconut farm are so expensive. And I saw one promoter was really rude. She keep asking a customer to buy that thing, but the customer dont wanna buy. Then, she get angry and speak rudely.

Somemore, the temple.. we was expecting the temple have breathaking senery or what.. when we reach the temple, there is no one there!!!!! not a single bird or anything. ommo.... we was like... hah.. why nobody come here one... its probably just a random temple..

So, my advice is...maybe you can choose Option 1. Or choose Option 2 and ask for fully floating market tour. The two places are not worth going >.< Anyway.. forget those unhappy stuff!!! Always be happy when you are on a vacation. ^^

Our boat =DD


Selfie on the boat yay! 

TADAAA eating on the boat, and the boat is kinda like speeding. omg 

My first first first ever boat noodle.

IT TASTE SO FREAKING GOOD!!!! even though it does not look good heh :3

The noodles are so so bouncy. and soup and not too spicy. OMG ITS SO GOOD. (RM 5) 
Mango Sticky Rice! RM10

According to my parents, its not really really good =D but its fine 

Basically, this is how floating market looks like...

We didnt try out alot of stuff..

Such as.. grilled banana, coconut ice cream.. etc 

Second boat noodle.. (RM4)

This wasnt as good as the first one... =( The first one was just amazing..
This was just okok. The noodle is still bouncy, the soup is just not my favourite hehe 


The boat ride was only 1hour40mins anyway... Kinda disppointed they didnt fully use the time =(
One more thing is, the driver of the boat keep bringing us to the stall that he favour only. Probably his relatives stalls...

Conclusion: If you go to a floating market before, its a must to go!! hehe Its was a great experience holding a bowl of hot soup and eating while the boat was speeding hahaha.
Go to floating market only if you have more time. Because going to floating market will probably took up half day.

After floating market, we went to Grand Palace.

Grand Palace is where Kings of Siam stay since 1782. One word for this place, breathtaking!

Short pants or short skirt is not allowed! *Strict dress code! So, for girls who wear shorts can either rent or buy a sarung. hahaha

So .. this is me wearing it.

Hehe.... is it funny ?

I whatsapp this picture to my friends, and they say its really funny hahahaha >_<

Need me to say more?

Its so beautiful right?


Okay, here's the end of part 1. Stay tuned for part 2 of day 3!!

Sneak peak:


Wednesday 17 September 2014


OOTD for day 2!

Wearing slippers for the entire trip haha Probably the most comfortable thing to wear =P 

2nd day of our family trip to Bangkok!

Mini itinerary :

Morning - Four Face Buddha (Erawan Shrine) , Central World
Afternoon - Big C
Evening - Platinum Mall
Night - Pratunam area dinner

Tips to plan your trip: U can plan your trip by grouping the places (in same area) that you wish to go in the same day. For example, day one u can go to Siam Paragon, Siam Square, MBK Shopping Mall, Siam Ocean World, Siam Discovery. Day two u can go to Four face buddha, Central world, Platinum mall, Big C. Its better to plan like this, u can save time! and transport money! SAVE TIME TO DO MORE SHOPPING. hahahahaha


Our hotel (Centara Watergate Pavillion Hotel) do provide yummy and good breakfast!! 

I always pick up these few things when I eat in every hotel breakfast haha

If you eat this brunch in any cafe, it would cost 20-30bucks

So.. YAY! for free breakfast haha! 

Hellooo.. please look at this view. I dont mind to wake up early and eat breakfast here everyday =P >.< 

YUMMM.. the waffle is nice too ^^  not oily at all! Awesome *.* 

Dont forget to eat some fruits =DD
Ps: The vegetable juice (green colour one) taste so good omg

After our hearty breakfast, we start your day by walking to Four Face Buddha from our hotel. It takes about 10 minutes walking. 

Erawan Shrine _ 

Very crowded!

Remember to buy the praying stuff inside, not OUTSIDE! The stall outside are much more expensive.. 

After that, we went to Central World (Just opposite Four Face Buddha) 

My parents are a little tired, so we sat down at this cafe to have some drinks.. 

In Publika we have Mad About Coco, in Bangkok they have Mad About Juice. hahahah 

Two smoothie costs us about RM26.50

Central World is something like Pavillion.. More atas shopping centre. haha
If you are searching to buy branded stuff, then its a good choice to come here! =D 

Me and mama! 
 After the drink, we went to Boots. Thailand is the first asian country that have Boots omg!
BEST THING ABOUT IT IS .... It was having sale. BUY ONE AND GET ONE FREE omg.....

Gone a little bit crazy in there haha!

I was too immerse in shopping , didnt take any photo there haha >_< Haul can be found below..

After Central World, we went to Big C for another round of crazy shopping!!

Stuff that we bought!!! Spend about RM300 here.. ^^

But carry all this back to our hotel was a disaster omg.......... Until my hands wanna patah >< 

We had MCD for lunch! Tot of trying out the Samurai Pork Burger haha 

Prices are little bit more expensive that Malaysia T.T 

Ngek ngek ngek. I asked for no lettuce =P 

I think the pork burger wasnt too nice =O And they put too much of mayonnaise. 
I was expecting more from this burger haha 
Anyway, if you haven try before, give it a go! 

HAUL !!!!  Big C and Boots

Tons of Pocky.. Tons of Seaweed =DDD 

After putting down all these babies back to hotel, we went to Platinum Mall! 

Was expecting to buy alot of clothing/bags/shoes from here, but I only got little stuff.
The thing I dont like about here is, most of the shops dont put price tags one T___T WHYYYY!!! I dont like to ask them price :o Why cant they just straight put up the price clearly.... 

Anyway, my favourite is the accessories level!!!!! MUST GO!!!!!!!!

ALL THE ACCESSORIES ARE ONLY RM10 (100baht) . Got statement necklaces, necklaces, bracelet, whatever lah.. Every thing rm10. cheap buy buy buy 

See until my eyes blurrr... haha 
About 10 shops.. all also RM10. 
One shop all sell black/silver necklaces.. ommo.... gone crazy at this level. haha 

Choose choose Buy Buy Pay Pay Happy Happy ~ 

Then, we head to the food court upstairs to fill our stomach =D 

Need to top up this card with money first then buy all the food and drinks with the money inside.
So easy =D and convenient! haha 

BTW, the fried rice is so yummy !!!! Just a simple fried rice but its so tasty omg 

This is mixed ball noodles (Spicy) 

My mom says its sooooo yummmyyyy but sooooo spicyyyyyy hahaha 

At 7 something.. Platinum Mall will be close already. The actual time is 8pm. So, we decided to head back to hotel. 

When we walked out from the mall, there are alot of tuk tuk/taxi outside. One guy approach us and offer, 20baht to go back to our hotel. 

But before going back hotel, he bring us to Pratunam Area to eat nice seafood. 

lolll.. sounds like a good deal huh? 20baht is only RM2. Since we didnt try before tuktuk, so we said ok! 

On tuktuk!!!
He drives so freaking fast and I cant even take a picture nicely lol 

This restaurant! Located near Ramada Hotel 

Food here: Much more expensive from outside rate!!! The tomyam soup is nice btw! I keep on drinking it haha. But... my mm had a diarrhea the next morning wtf The fried oyster wasnt too great. The whole meal costs us like RM 70+ . 

Lesson learned, dont ever accept the offer from tuktuk driver if he wants to bring you to other places. This restaurant price rate was higher than outside, the food wasnt fantastic.. And he says he will wait for us after we finish our meal then fetch us back to hotel. BUT, we couldnt find him after we finish our meal wtf.. ended up finding our own way and walk back to hotel =.='' 

So.. yeah! 

Stay tuned for the next post :3 ! 


Sunday 14 September 2014

Bangkok Day 1!

Hello im back with another travelling blogging series... This time me and my family went to Bangkok, Thailand for a short vacation.

Since they are doing a business now, they cant leave Malaysia too long, unlike last time :( NVM, its okay. Its good too to go to Bangkok. Wakaka I have always wanted to do crazy shopping at Bangkok. *Dream come trueee*

Last few months, my mom booked Airasia tickets to Bangkok for about RM1000 for 3 of us. So, each costs about RM300+ . I think its fine bah. Maybe it can go even more cheaper. You can like this facebook page for more Bangkok updates! This page always update about hotel promotions, ticket promotions or even new restaurant/cafe opening. Unfortunately, its in chinese. >.<

Lets go into the topic!
Some KLIA 2 pictures kekeke


We arrived at DonMuang Airport late afternoon 3.30pm. After we grab out luggage, the first thing we do is to buy simcard at the airport! Their simcard comes with internet data for one week and also some free calls. So, its very good la because u can surf net whenever you need direction or whatever. I think the cheapest package is 299baht (RM29.90). We bought the 399baht package (with 1.5GB internet data). They will help you insert the simcard into your phone so no worries. 

After buying simcard, we took cab to the hotel. The cab fare from DMK Airport to Centara Watergate Pavillion Hotel costs 220baht (RM22) only. It is count based on meter. I think from DMK Airport to Pratunam Area wont cost more than RM30, if no terrible jam. TIP: Always ask for meter cab wherever you go! We have learned our lesson haha, details below!  We choose to take cab to the hotel because we want to be more comfortable and dont need to walk alot. If you are travelling with friends, then you can choose to take Airport link to your destination. Since im travelling with family, they dont want to walk too much. Haha Anyway the taxi fare wont cost alot if you divide it up. 

It tooks about 30mins from airport to hotel. #Luckilynoterriblejam Then.....we check in hotel ^_^

After putting our bags down in hotel room, we head out to get some snacks to fill our stomach ^^
I got some street food. It was so good. And I regret not taking down the stall's picture haha

Its some fish balls/ sausages dipped in Thai chili Sauce.
So yummmeehhhh... Omg It only cost RM3 for quite alot of food =D 
Then, we head to Asiatique, The Riverfront. Taxi from our hotel to Asiatique was 250baht (RM25). It was not a meter cab!!!!!! Its more expensive than our taxi fare from airport to taxi >_< But at that point of time, we still think its not very expensive.

You can go there by taking BTS to Saphan Taksin Station and a free boat ride. But my dad dont wanna walk to BTS station. So.... haha we took cab (the easiest way)

Small Love Lock Place 

Sky is getting dark shortly! =D 


We just spend little time here in Asiatique coz it rains at about 8.30pm. T__T 

We had our dinner here! Im so sorry, didnt took a picture of its shop name. But anyway, its not really fantastic. Haha We ordered green curry seafood and BBQ pork neck.

The green curry's herb taste is very strong, me no likey it >< haha But the pork is very yummy and small portion wtf. The whole meal costs us RM60+ . like only for 2 dishes.... abit expensive..

After walking around, we took a cab back to hotel =) It was a meter cab this time. ONLY COSTS US RM10. omg....

then we realised just now taxi fare was abit expensive. RM25 compare to RM10 . haha ><

So, lesson learned! ALWAYS ASK FOR A METER TAXI !!!

After we went back to hotel, the rain stops. So we decided to have a little walking to see whats around our hotel at night. I must say, its really great at night!! Alot of stalls (Like our pasar malam). THATS MEANS?? Loads of food and cheap stuff ngek ngek

 Haul from night street market hehe

The night market is right in front of Paladdium mall !!!! #MUSTGO
Earings are so freaking cheap. RM2 each
I bought 10pairs haha!
Regret not buying more lolol

Dodgers shirt for 200baht from Asiatique 
Thats all for day 1! Stay tuned for next post!

Good bye =D