Thursday 28 March 2013

Quick update before flying

HI !

Just goona post some pictures took on the results day~ hehe

waiting for 11.30am to comesss~~ haha


omg I super love ViVi in this picture ~ so pretty x.x

here's my result btw if ure interested lol 

last picha!!

Kay im flying to Korea tonight! Im so excited omg omg

okay my mum is nagging now, soooo bye! See u later xoxo

Thursday 21 March 2013

Spm result day 2012 (95's batch)

A!Yo!GG! Just got my spm results today. Last night i was like damn nervous till I only slept for 4 hours ytd hehe. Keep waking up from sleep .____.''  5 o clock in the morning my eyes already big wink wink look at the celling hahaha Then starting from 8 o clock heartbeats like thunder~~~ Reached school at 9something. Saw so many familiar faces. Some coloured hair~Some same~ Some prettier hahaha

after reach school and meet the old friends, heartbeat back to normal hahaha Btw time flies till 11.30pm quite fast duh =D Everybody line up and omg so damn scare !~!~!~! Some shouted some cried some laughed... hahahhaa

Btw I got 7A's and the rest are B's. Its still more than I expected...Still happy =D still satisfied yo! HEHEHEHEHEH :$

I actually get an A for Sejarah which I dint even expected lolllll What crap i wrote in my essay? IDK lollllllllll -.-

Okay thanks bye! stay tuned xoxo

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Cny part 6 : Penang ( last day )

Hey pepo!! I just attended the 5 hrs undang talk last tuesday. Finally ..... after everyone did it.. lollllll :X

and i failed the test... by one question lollll i got 41/50. and the passing mark is 42/50. damn it lol U get my feeling????? hehe

Back to topic :P

We went to Sister's Char Kuey Teow for brunch! Delicious + famous char kuey teow!!! YUM YUM

Amy! the cutie pie :P

And after the meal , we went to one old folks home. Crazy picha time =PP

Okay thats all about cny post =D
To all 2012 form5's candidate, good luck in tomorrow result! Wooooooo~~
Next week Im flying to Korea. Countdown 10 days omfg damn excited yo!
see ya xoxo

Sunday 3 March 2013

Cny Part 5 : Penang

Cny is already over and im still blogging about it .___. dont kill me z. hahaha Coz u know, been busying working and watching drama haha!! Anyway , i want to finish all cny post before I go to Korea! Coz after Korea trip, it will be more blog posts!!! yeay ^___^ Im sooo excited :D Keep doing research about what is must buy in Korea hehe!

Btw anyone can suggest where to spend my last free day in Seoul? And what is the must buy stufff over there?!?!

Back to topic! Penang trip during cny

Going to Penang is of course all about EAT, JAM, EAT, JAM. lolllllllll Basically we are just eating and jam in the car.................. Not kidding, can jam almost 1 hour to go a near destination @___@

Okay, so here are some food picture!!! Dont blame me if i make u hungry HAHA!!

Tis is our dinner @New Lane.

Food there doesnt really impress me :O Its not really Penang standard hehe!

and this is Banana Apam. ( only in penang ) haha Normally in KL one is plain hehe

Spot the banana =DD

here are some pictures that I took @ New Lane !

Cny decoration in a random shop

Mum buying stuff =D

We also went to the beach to look for Amy. =DD

Random Guai mui haha


Thats all for day 1 in Penang !