Thursday 21 March 2013

Spm result day 2012 (95's batch)

A!Yo!GG! Just got my spm results today. Last night i was like damn nervous till I only slept for 4 hours ytd hehe. Keep waking up from sleep .____.''  5 o clock in the morning my eyes already big wink wink look at the celling hahaha Then starting from 8 o clock heartbeats like thunder~~~ Reached school at 9something. Saw so many familiar faces. Some coloured hair~Some same~ Some prettier hahaha

after reach school and meet the old friends, heartbeat back to normal hahaha Btw time flies till 11.30pm quite fast duh =D Everybody line up and omg so damn scare !~!~!~! Some shouted some cried some laughed... hahahhaa

Btw I got 7A's and the rest are B's. Its still more than I expected...Still happy =D still satisfied yo! HEHEHEHEHEH :$

I actually get an A for Sejarah which I dint even expected lolllll What crap i wrote in my essay? IDK lollllllllll -.-

Okay thanks bye! stay tuned xoxo

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