Tuesday 29 April 2014

Ben's Restaurant , Salon Du Chocolat @ Publika

Hello, its my sembreak now ^^ In week 3 I guess? hahaha two more weeks till sembreak end >. < then its goona be another hectic semester for me. =)

Today, I went to Publika with Elaine (8 years friendship omg). Haha We had a hard time finding a car park. We use 1 and half hour to find a freaking carpark T___T Maybe it was lunch time.. so....

We headed to Ben's for late lunch ^^

Spaghetti (RM 21)
 It was okay only. =) 

Mushroom Lagsana (RM24)
This was my order.
A no-no for me. I just ate half of this T-T
I guess I just doesnt like lagsana. It taste like im eating tons of mushroom :S
Macadamia Cheesecake Sundae (RM13)
Yummy this is awesome. Got cheesecake,  icecream, macadamia nuts, caramel <3 

Salon Du Chocolat 

Chocolate Crepe (3 chocolates)
RM 14.90

me with the choco crepe haha ^^
Selfie time ^^ 

Put some effort to curl my ends haha. How it looks like ?? 

Top from online boutique
Necklace from Kitschen
Skirt from KItschen
Bag from TimeSquare
Shoe from Amori

Okay, ending here.. Byebye xoxo 

Monday 7 April 2014

Sembreak 3 !

Time flies.. seriously. Haha Yes today is my first day of sembreak!! Woooohooooo about 1 month holiday for me =D Its been one year since I study at TARUC wow. I still remember the orientation day.. the first lecture.. the first tutorial class and so on hahaha

Goona post some selfies that I took with my Sony T99 ! I think its really a not bad camera for selfie. haha Coz it has some magic to make your skin better. But its just auto mode. ^^ Btw, this camera respond is a littleee bit slow. =) U nid to wait about 3 seconds for your picture to come out lolll

Can you spot my fake eye bag ?! haha highlighted my lower lash line part

smile for u ^^ 
So... what to do in this sembreak?

I feel like finding some part time job work kekekke And I need to pack my house stuff coz we are moving next month! wuwuwuw bye kepong... =(

okay I might create a new blog soon... maybe? =D

Signing off
