Monday 7 April 2014

Sembreak 3 !

Time flies.. seriously. Haha Yes today is my first day of sembreak!! Woooohooooo about 1 month holiday for me =D Its been one year since I study at TARUC wow. I still remember the orientation day.. the first lecture.. the first tutorial class and so on hahaha

Goona post some selfies that I took with my Sony T99 ! I think its really a not bad camera for selfie. haha Coz it has some magic to make your skin better. But its just auto mode. ^^ Btw, this camera respond is a littleee bit slow. =) U nid to wait about 3 seconds for your picture to come out lolll

Can you spot my fake eye bag ?! haha highlighted my lower lash line part

smile for u ^^ 
So... what to do in this sembreak?

I feel like finding some part time job work kekekke And I need to pack my house stuff coz we are moving next month! wuwuwuw bye kepong... =(

okay I might create a new blog soon... maybe? =D

Signing off


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