Sunday 19 June 2011


firstly , happy father day / happy papa day / happy husband day / happy daddy day to the whole world fathers. and of course to my father too :P

this is how i spent my day............. =D (enjoy)

woke up 10.30am. then went out for lunch at 12.30. reach there at about 1pm.
ermm, its a thai restaurant =DD name : Siam 62 =D in kota damansara

fish skin @@ i mean salmon skin HAHAHA. but i din eat, looks..... very wai :O

i call this =D

she call this =DD erm, dont look delicious. but its delicious LOLOL =D

and HE call this.. hahahah =D sticky mango rice (:

after lunch. we went to ikea ikano curve =D

make fun in ikea LOLOL =P haha sampat**

walao, i wish to buy this DD: buy rm229. @@ so comfortable =((

after that,
went to ikano's popular (wow, such a hardworking person, TQ) hehehehe.
bought a bottle since mine already koyak.hahaha.
then bought famous amos. wheee~
famous amos is <3 , OKAY !

after that, we went and eat again LOLOOL. i just dun0 why. i feel so hungry today @@

swimming salmon, thats the name AHHA ! saw the salmon ? =DD
this set ( got his sanwhich n a soft drink ) oni RM14. cheap rite ? :D

but so sorry to say.. i dun eat this. SOOO , put it aside HEHEHEHE

SALMON LOVER. any kawan here ? hahahaha !

saw this in ikano =D
CARS hahaha

after that , went to mont kiara to fins AMYYYYYYYYYYY =DD
dun0 who is amy ? NVM ! i intro hahahah
suchhh a cuteeeeeeeeee girl rite? :(( haha

she need to do her homework last minute, SAD HAHAHA

walao eh. i need to tell u.she is so rich. buy soo many toys LOLOL.

 went to `Malabar Palace` for dinner =)
its all about curry curry n curry LOL
so erm i called a prawn one :))
the taste .. i dont know hot to explain LOL. nt bad la =DD
amy again, hahahha. she can eat spicy food better than me. WAHLAO lolol

before going bak, went to `bibi nyonya house` to pack asam laksa. I told u! today i am very hungry HEHE
so went bak home at eat ! :DD hehehe (erm , its dont looks tasty ) but its tasty la weihhh ! haha!

today is ate lunch , tea , dinner , supper. so i am very fat now. dun expect that im gonna do excersize. ! impossible :P blekk

well, its a long post. :P happy father day once again. :)

good night ! xoxo

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