Saturday 25 June 2011

steamboat =DDD

hello hello :) bak from steamboat with my babes :DD
outfit of the day :B

20 of us. awww, so fun :D
me, yomiko, stella, xiiao v , pei ting , pei nee , ya nee , kar en , kai qii , hui san , & etc boys :DDD !
aww, the bill is . erm . Rm250++ =DD

7.20 , went to carefour n meet kaiqii n huisan.
then about 7.40 yomiko came :D
we walked to HAPPY CITY :) erm , beside carefour only =DD
about 8 pm. everybody is here :D
there are porridge , n soup :) i didnt try before the porridge one, AWWW, SO tasty :P
enjoy eating , gathering , chatting , =DD
make sure there is next time ! XDXD

wan to say thankiew to PeiTing here :D she`s like ur mummie , keep adding food to our plate . aww , ily :D

look at the pictures :)

me n yomiko used tissue :) 
so cool my babe :DD <3

tats all for today ! good night :)

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