Friday 5 August 2011


hello peeps :D !

not going to talk much here . so , point formmmmm :D !

  • went to sekinchan yesterday . its a school trip . we went there for moral project :D ! but actually playing more hehehehe. view the photos here (: link :D
  • not going to write blog until i finish my exam , i guess ! so , please please dont miss me yar =P !
  • tonight i`m going for bbq party ! HEHEHEHE :D !
  • surat amaran is proof that its teacher`s fault, she took back the letter. god bless!
  • good luck for my exam !
  • i better do well in my exam !
  • add maths , sejarah and accounts is in the same day . FARK ! LOL.
  • may god bless me ? :( !

so ya , byebye . i shall see u guys SOOOOON .

xoxo (:

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