Saturday 20 August 2011

weeks agooooo's things

hello hello . :3

what i did in last few weeks.
  • went to sekinchan with my 死党 teeheee. not going to post all the photo . but someeee x)
  • went to the bbp party in stella's house. sad! i din go down the swimming pool xD!
  • happy belated birthday meijin HEHEHE :P sorry again! :( feel so guily :X
  • went to mum's office dinner with her frends. tats on my first day of exam. reach home at 11+. so i gonna fail my second day's exam , and tat sucject is SCIENCE! LOL :X
  • i just got my BC exam paper! arghh!feel QUITE happyy. i got 86 marks. HAHAHAH!
  • went to visit amy and go steamboat wit her xD!
  • lost my calculator FML!
  • mummie bought me a kitty watch! inlovewithitnow!:DDDDD

below are the photos .
just enjoy :D
kitty watch xD!

i love u darling <3 !

me + very very very very pretty sookyinnn :D ! hahahaha.
why she so pretty!

me + my another very very very funny n cute y.miko . teeeeheeee.
envy her hair la! so long.! hmph!

hehehhe~ what are they doing?????
fighting over me ?
arhhahahaha. sorry for perasan`ing :P

look pro ? hehehehe!
stella's DSLR .


bbq party =DD !

ARGHH ~ ugly :'( !
but who cares! :D

ignore my face! to ugly hahaha.

my bed turn into a study place! LOL !

im lazy to continue!

please plan what to do in the holiday !

i want to go out! MUST!
i wanna go KL ! must !
steamboat together again! MUST !

stay tune againnnnnn ~

buh bye ! :P

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