Wednesday 30 November 2011

Genting again .

hello peeps =D guess what ? i went to genting again . lolol . but this time i went with my family . and the companion still same , eelynn ! <3 :D this time , i didnt play any outdoor or indoor theme park . we shop most of the time . ( wuhuu ^-^ *girls favourite :9* ) . i did mention that padini is having sales in the last post rite ? of course , genting's padini having the same sales too . =D so , we shop again . hahax . things are cheap , and we can hardly control ourself . teehee!!

what i have to say is , genting can really makes u slim down. u have to walk walk walk and walk . LOL . walk everywhere ,

walk from first world to resort ;
walk from first world to highland ;
walk from highland to resort ;

well ~ let the photo do the talking =D


spot the botak cabel car =P

old dy LOL

orange high waist pants !!

(Y) ^__^ (Y)

p/s : we went in to padini quite many times LOL

long skirt doesnt suite me =P

dinner time!!

*doink doink* =P
keep on ARGHHH ARGHHHH ARGHHH in the cinema LOL!

baskin robin - chocolate chips :9 yummy sial!
socks LOL so cute

Tuesday 29 November 2011

废话 =D


不舍得去睡 =[
喜欢看了你下线 我才愿意下线

可是 我做不到啊!


Monday 28 November 2011

Padini @ Ou

hiiiii . =D
went to padini @ ou with my family on Sunday.
sales 50% and 70% in on from saturday to monday .
actually we went there to enquiry about the umobile thingy .
but then , cant stand the sales power HAHA.
daddy n mummie bought their things and i bought too
lolll, the people there look so insane =O and we queue soooo long . =/
the things is quite cheap there. LOL
after that , went to Good Evening Bangkok for dinner =}
basically , the food there is only SOUR & SPICY . lol .

hi giong si =b

decoration for ... christmas ?

kthxbaii :P
stay tune for the genting post! ^_^

Saturday 26 November 2011

Bubu (;

went out with my dearest bubu today (:
Kepong Jusco is our destination .
well , we walk like million metres to reach the bus station in front our school lol.!
and then we are quite lucky! like 10 minutes da bus came! ^__^
hoho , we walk around . and have lunch at wok sifu AGAIN. luls.
after that went for movie
watch breaking dawn , part one . hmm, awesome! bella so pweetttyyyy <3 ! =DD
then went for starbucks! starbucks is love man.
we also watched three episode of  fa zheng xian feng there :D haha! by using YOUTUBE

im happy today (:

no photos with bubu ): i`ll take nex time :DD

Friday 25 November 2011

Thursday 24 November 2011

20112011 .

hello world! im back from genting :D
teeehee. finnaly i can stay there overnight with friends. and its like my first time. wuuhuu ^^
haha , i went there with eelynn (:
she fetch me at 10 in the morning . then we went for breakfast and off to genting.
reach there then check in . but the room is not ready yet.
so , we went and play first! ohyeah =DD

went and buy ticket for outdoor theme park.
lol, like thousand years i didnt go to the genting outdoor theme park!
its not really crowded i think LOL . just queue for a few minutes and its out turn to play :D
so sad! the roller coaster like flying dargon broke down. so we cant play :/!
play until 6 something. then went for dinner :D
then go back hotel bath and walk around . and now , i have serious leg ACHE
thats the thing u have to sacrifies for shopping ? HAHAHA. btw, its worth :P !
HAHAHA , had a nice day. (:

next morning , wake up and go bak home! have a nice 20112011 . XD

outfit of da day
sunny day

the lame-est game luls.  

broken nail :/ so pain!

well , this is fun ! ;D

hanging on my phone now :b


highland hotel


mascot party!

the place we had dinner

so so so so high

aww fly like a G6
so windy up there! :D


telephone booth

what am i doing ? loooool.

pizza hut


how if the person is very very fat ? LOL he have to walk staircase?
nerd 8D

snacks :D in the early morning of 21-11 HAHA. 12.05 am.


sorry for the late post. i always save it in the drafts and i finally have time today :P 

enjoyedd (: