Friday 11 November 2011


Awwww , what a nice date =D
so what u did today ? XD
plan fail to watch movie with bebe today =( sorry bebe!

i spend this special day in school . and very regret :)
LOL , i shud choose movie with bebe! WUWUWU
its too late~ LOL
got my science and bc paper back today . science is good . bc is bad . really bad LOL!
and my baby draw this for me . hahax ! thanksss <3 !

late birthday card .

kay , let the picture talk now ;D !
hair of da day XD !

food XD

and i wore this spec t0 school :b

she :D !
my dear exam timetable :D
jiayii's camera =D


da oldest tree in our school LOL so big 0.0

we played chinese chess (:



rabbit xD


 i love themm :D ! forever and forever

going back to sitiawan this weekend! dont miss me. ( amy always say this HAHAHA)

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