Saturday 5 November 2011


hello ! :)
guess what ? i went to KL last night LOL.
i reach there like about 10pm :/
because mum says lets go gai gai  , then im like OHH , okayy LOL
haha , we parked at's parking . then walk .
walk to , actually plan to have some snowflakes . but its too packed . so , continue walking.
we walked to Farenheit 88 , and Pavillion .
whoaa , its like so long time i didnt come to KL . and coming to KL is always my wish LOL
i mean ME AND BEBE'S WISH. hahaha
its so crowded at night . OKAY , I MEA ALL THE TIME ITS BUSY lolol.
walked for awhile , then raining. SO SAD >:(
have to walk back to the car then .
we drove back to kepong and have suppers!
TEEHEE , OMG . i growing more and more horizontal ! oops!
HEHEHEHEH , reach home at 12.30 am .
not tired at all , because why ?
i woke up at 12 pm . HAHAHAAA .

and just now wake up .
i spot something in youtubee . :D ! its so useful!
well , maybe im late LOL
i love this the most! XD

watch it ! its nice (:

hope i can go to festival city later! bring me out mum! :(

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