Sunday 22 April 2012


halo ! im in my school uniform ! HAHA

2 weeks away from my exam . nervousss! So today I stay at home with my mum . Planing to study . But...... obviously fail . HAHA

Went to a BBQ party last saturday.
fyi : my eyes is not that big actually . lol
the ring i bought in Singapore!
Im super sad that Im not in Singapore when Xiaxue is selling her stuff in the flea . :((((((( !!!!!! Her Lumix camera is so so so bling ! and nice . :(((((((((((!

A picture of me and my mum !

So what i did at home today ?


tidy up my room ? spot the corner!

do u know what is the white thing i use to hang all my stuff ?

my bag and toys all here

soft toys

hello kitty sticker!
This is the white thing just now!!! It look so ugly here right ???? My awesome mummy think of an idea . And we wrapped it my white paper . Thats the outcome !!!! HAHA. She's so awesome . This ugly wood should be happy because my mum make some plastic surgery for him . hahahah! 360 degree change :D
Okay , till here ! will be back and blog about my third day in Singapore ! BaiBai =)

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