Wednesday 23 May 2012

Keng Ding Hai Ren

YAYAY ! I went to Keng Ding Hai Ren last Sunday. LOL! (Keng Ding Hai Ren = Genting Highland).
No friends can come with me, wtf :(  So I just went with mummie. Daddy have to work there. Mummie went into Cassino after that. Means im alone. #foreveralone WHY LA!!!

Had fun there. Heheh Here are some noob picture of me and my mum LOL

in the super small hotel room

my mum say its a fat hao pose YUCK!

forget the name! BTW DAMN NICE leh! dont say i sampat ok!

mummy at the back
me acting cute
trying to kiss her and get ignored lol !

now wan to kiss me back la! hahaha

went to this concert after that cuz we got free ticket
Went to school yesterday at 7am and come back home at 10pm. freaking tired. lol Cuz we went to BSD club and practice our dance. Make me think of this.. 台上三分钟,台下三十年. uhm, correct ?
Do come and support us if u are from my school! Friday must come ah! Heheh :p

Okay im gonna sleep now. Hand pain. Leg pain. Sifat pain too.

Bye peeps! <3

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