Friday 25 May 2012

Teacher's Day Celebration

Wake up at freaking 5am today. Tired like shit now , but... I still wanna blog . Sooo , YES! Im blogging about our school's teacher's day celebration. And yea , this year we from the awesome-est class (5Jati) is going to perform! Ngek =p Ngek =p Ngek =p

Three days before teacher's day.........

my two bestie
they say they like my mei tui!! HEHE

in BSD club

Red shirt girl face chao gan ah! HAHAHA

Practice for like 7hours in the BSD club ...
And Wednesday we went for audition , AND WE ARE IN!!!!!!! YEAH BUDDY! =D
Thursday , we went for rehersal so that everything is smooth on the actual day

So nervous so nervous . heheh :3

Went to school at 6.30am. Start to change into our colourful leggings =P (theme=vintage)
Perform at 11 something , feel so tired . idk why
Anyway , I think we did well =D Must be confident ok?

Here are some picture of my classmate and me!

outfit !

blue leggings with the two bestie
LOOK AT THE PRETTY BEBE! so pretty +.+
Me and bestie
Me and two bestie!
Bestie , me , and mummy!
Eliza and me !
spot our legs...
have to change to track bottom , if not we are disqualified WTF
i look so short HAR!
Us =)
Mei cheam <3 with me
BUBU !!!!!!!! damn leng lui lo she
SEEE! she damn pretty right ? right ? right ?
Kai qii <3
Aifa and Farah ^^
Xiiao V =D
jenyang wanna kacau HAHAx
With the two boys and two bestie and melissa
TSELING!!! birthday girl
One last picture with kaichyi

today's tuition
Had fun today ^^ good night .

Tomorrow is going to be another tired day for me . Im going to the Taylor's College OIC Camp.
And I attending the Dance and Fitness workshop. U SAY TIRED ANOT!!!!??!?!

LOLOLOL! okay good night <3 !

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