Thursday 8 November 2012

17th Birthday


Yay yay! Im officially one seven years old now! *FEELS OLD* My birthday was last Monday ^^. Thanks for all the wishes!! I appreciate all of it!!! heheh

Im kinda touched that day. Coz my friends in school bought me a cake! SUPRISEE~ haha Its really my first time having my friends bought cake for me in school! haha Coz I very unlucky one~ Birthday always fall on exam or near to exam. So no one bother to celebrate with me hahahaha! This year different!!!!! Im so happy ^^

Here is the cake!!! One big candle and seven small candles hahah
The presentsssss...........

#1 . 8GB Kitty Pendrive . from adrian Maxxx lovesss!!
#2 . Kitty necklace from adrian
#3 . Cute turtle!!!! I hug it everynight haha from kai chyi
the back of it ^^
#3 . Glow in the dark cup from eelynn!
#4 . Keychains from yong jian
#5. Drawing from amirul .. love maxx!
#6 . Rainbow Birthday Card from yanee!
#7. Birthday card from Kar En !
#8 . Angpaosss from daddy and mummy!
#9 . Fake collar from bebe yomiko
# 10 . Handbag from mummy! <33

#11 . Another handbag from mummy <333 !!!
#12. Birthday dinner with mummy @Senjyu e-curve

#13. Ribbon hair pin from ViVi ^^
Thankyou for everything guys!!!!

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