Friday 20 September 2013

Superstar Libra Cruise Trip - Phuket&Krabi Day 1

Yes, another vacation in my sembreak. I really fully use my sembreak. Very very happy haha! This trip is to Phuket&Krabi in Thailand. But we didnt took a aeroplane, we took a cruise ship to go there! Haha Its my second time taking cruise. The last time was like 10 years ago? I went to Pulau Langkawi haha!

This trip is 4days 3night. Short yet relaxing n enjoying trip ^__^

So.. we woke up early in the morning and go to TimeSquare KL to assemble with the other tour member. First, we need to go to Swettenham Pier @ Penang to board on the cruise. We arrived Penang at 12noon. And check in our luggage at1pm. We went in the ship at 1something! =DD

We get to go in the ship first because we are following a tour. Yay privilege hehehe!! Fyi, Im following HUAJING TRAVEL & TOURS .

A part of the ship! haha

Our cabin ^^ Oceanview Stateroom with Porthole
Two in a room. Two single bed. My room

Love this mirror. Full body length mirror is awesome!

Have some afternoon tea at the restaurant =DD

Deck 9! The deck with swimming pool

Grandma follow us ^^ Chilling ~

Super windy hahahah

Penang sea~


Notice there are nobody there? Just me walking around to take picture hahaha. Because we get to go in first. ( we are following a tour ~ )

After exploring deck 9 and 10 , we went back to the cabin and have a short nap haha! And then get dress up for the BBQ dinner at night!! ^^ Very fun

dont blame me if it makes u hungry hahahah

Got sifu BBQ for u. Dont worry ~~

Im not a salad person but!!! this is really yummy hehe



And MORE CAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Nasi briyani was no good. But the Tandori Chicken behind the rice was soooo yummehhh!

And a siao zha bo hehe
*stupid hair no place to go, why must stick at my face #blamethewind

After the satisfiying dinner, we went for a magic show (free). ^^

sorry for blur picturesss =( Actually not allowed to take photo hehe
We also bought bingo to try our luck. 6 for Rm30

On the left is a lovely guy named Mark. heheheheheh
 So, thats basically 1st day of my trip =) not really actually lol. The ship start to move at 5pm, So we will reach Phuket the next morning 12pm =)

Tip : When u go into your cabin, remember to checkout the timetable about all the activity on board!! Make sure you dont miss the fun heheheh

Okay, thats all ^^ Enjoy !

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