Friday 20 September 2013

Genting Trip 09092013

Yayyyy! Finally went to Genting with my buddies, on a special date. 9/9 hahahah We finally went there together like after 10years???? We been planning about the trip since our PMR exam lollll.
But still kinda sad, coz not everyone can go =(( So, there are only 7 of us, hahaha! We booked the rooms online and get a cheaper rate. Like only RM48 per standard room haha! Because Genting have like a 48th aniversary thingy and also get a free mooncake! haha

Then we bought a package that include the bus ticket, cabel car ticket, indoor theme park ticket and snow world ticket for RM60. Not bad right? hhahaha!

It was drizzling that morning. So misty haha!

And this is me with siao zha bo, Vivi =D

And siao zha bo 2, Tse Ling =D

And a not very prefect group photo lol
*Zhouliang not in it haha!

Keep calm and watch 4D Motion Master  

Pose for the camera and start the roller coaster

JJ forever not ready for photo hahaha!!

And my lunch @ Restaurant Hainan

Our lunch

On a deer. Cycling it lol And sorry for the blur picture :p

Vivi and Zhenyan

The guys at the back haha

In a swan haha!

Them =D

Mid Autumn Festival decoration . So pretty hehe

Our epic snacks, breakfast, supper hahaha

My dinner~

And our late night movie =DD
Looking foward to travel more with them! Its another type of fun when u go for a vacation with your friends. We did some adnormal stuff like eating dinner at 9pm, sleeping at 3am, lunch ar 3pm lolll !! Maybe because im the only child in the family, i love everyone who are willing to play with me ahahahahaha!
Sembreak going to end in 48hours wtf

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