Friday 23 August 2013

Bad day

Hi peepsss.. Not sure is anybody reading this heheh But I just wanna express my feelings right now :)

Today is like the worst day of this year. Im having my quantitative studies (smth like add maths) final exam today. And the exam starts at 9am. So we start our journey 95mins early before the exam start. Driving driving and we are caught in the jam in the MRR2 road.....

Its super super jam like nobody business. We started to worried will we reach the exam venue on time T.T Yea so time flies. 9am just passed and we are still on the highway. I called to the college and they said nothing much they can do. They just asked us to come as fast as possible. After we passed Batu Caves, the jam still goes on...The lastest by 9.30am we have to go to the exam venue if not we are not allowed to enter the exam hall. So yea.. 9.30 passed again and we are still on the highway..

So everyone in the car was soooo nervoussss.. thinking to resit the paper. For me, im thinking about my scolarship lol Cuz if I failed any of my subject I wont be able to get the scolarship anymore dafuq. Ok finally we passed the jam and the traffic go normal. But its nearly 10am already T.T My goooodddd. We quickly parked the car and run to the exam venue.

We saw a lot of people running too LOL. running man meh   We saw a lot of people queue up in front of the exam venue. Tutor wanna record names that are late for exam .__. And yea we are so lucky because the teacher let us in even its already 10.05am. Omggg I went in and quickly started doing the questionss

The examiner was very very kind. She gave us extra 15 mins to rush our work, thanks god!! But still, I cannot finish all the questions. I only managed to do 2 out of 4. And the passing mark of our final exam is 50 marks. Im like die la this time, really die already. Phew.. one hour just passed and the examiner collected our papers.

So.. Im very very worried now T.T I think I already failed that paper. Haihhh, just a lorry accident make us all become like that. Maybe cant continue taking my scholarship. Super super sad stress depressed. I ABSOLUTELY DONT KNOW WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME. T____T Aihhh super super sad. My black day 23082013

credits to facebook lol 

Anyway... life still goes on. So im signing off to study my next subject yea! Good luck to me and byebye ^^

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