Friday 26 July 2013

Cherry Blossom in Korea

Yeah Korea post again haha

Tour guide says we are so freaking lucky because the period that we travel is the end of winter and start of spring. Meaning? We are able to experience two season in 7 days haha Super lucky got to play with snow and enjoy the super awesome cherry blossom flowers ^^

So.. these pictures are taken in Jeju Island. ^^ And I guess its somewhere near the roadside. Its super beautiful because the roadside is all full with cherry blossom. AWESOME!!!

Not sure why it looks like yellow in this picture hehe! Its actually white+pinkish ^^

Can u see the backgroud? ^^ hehe

close up picture ^^

Family shot ^^

Magnificent senery ^^

Yeah short post here ^^ I guess its my first time visiting a foreign county during Spring season ^^ Love it max!!! hehe

Oh btw, I just started my driving lesson. LIKE FINNALY LOL Even the juniors get their lisence already Im still dreaming. Telling myself to keep calm and drive wakaka

So yeah, ending here, Bye! Xoxo

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