Sunday 21 July 2013

Life Update ^.^

Yo! Kekex

Im in Week 12 of college now yo! Time fliessss. Three months in college already haha! Slowly getting used to it ^^ And less than one more to final exam! STUDY HARD!!! hehe

Presentation/tests/assignments/tutorial homeworks every week uhhh! Yeah, thats college life. kekex Cant freaking wait for sembreak. I wanna work part time! I wanna go have fun with my girlfriends! I wanna go travel with my family! wa/akaka/a

Some random pictures kekekek

#1 - Bought my favouriteee boys' album. Loving it to the max <3

#2 - With Amy Cutie Pie yesterday ^^

#3 - With Tseling ^^

#4 - Siao zha bo Vivi hahaha

#5 - My new spec ^^ Did I mention this before ? hehe

Okay Thanks Bai. ^^

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