Sunday 12 February 2012

Stress !

the stress look!!

So stress this few days , there's lotsa homework from my maths teacher T,T She so so strict :/

Went and watch I Love Hong Kong last week . Its so funny . U can laugh from the begining of the show until the end :D ohh yaa , its still on cinema

Last night , watched Journey 2 too ! ITS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOMEEE.

wore this last night

 Its a must watch show!! But I think it will be nicer if I watch it in 3D . HAHAHA I wanna watch it again seriously ):

GONNA WATCH THIS SOON ! maybeeeee , hehehehehe

the girl so pretty!!!!! <3

Ok , let me end this post with this picture :9


Why so mean ? D:

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