Sunday 5 February 2012

Bought many cheap stuff ,

and I am sick now . muahahaha! -___-

Wake up early in the morning and went down to SS2 Mall to have DimSum as our brunch.
Venue : Dynasty Dragon Restaurant . (the name looks great rite ? but the food sucks!)

Guess what ? When I was eating the SiewMai , I found a wooden thingy inside STUN

Kay! Forget about it! So next, we went to Mr.DIY to bought some really cheapppp stuff! MUAHAHAHAHA -*evil laugh*-

90 bucks gone! But its all worth <3 ! SELF COMFORT LOL!


the hat looks too big for me! LOLOLOLOLOL

After SS2 Mall , we went to my dad friends house to visit him. And you know what ? I slept in his house LOL! too tired kay!

Then we also went to Curveee. WAKAKA! I am aiming for Daiso stuff . YESYESYES! I got some big ribbons and a glasses there! what to say!? IM EXTREMELY EXCITED lol

fyi : i bought the red one! :D
so naise!

Bought Chatime too. Because the sucks DimSum really makes all of us so @#$%^& THIRSTY!!! >_<
The Passion Fruit one is really nice!

OHYA!!! Valentime Day is coming =D spot this big love somewhere in Curve! so naise rite ?

Had dinner at Menjalara. The porridge there so delicious! :D oops,the picture is taken when we almost finish it, HEHEHEHE :p

Gonna say bye now ): Im so sick.

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