Wednesday 10 April 2013

KOREA DAY 1 !!!!!!!

HELLO readers!! Today im blogging about Korea Day 1. Super excited =DD I just came back from Korea last Friday midnight. Haha

So how was Korea?! FUN!!!!!! :D :D :D :D  I like this country man. Clean, not polluted, and alot more =) Definately wanna go one more time omg. Next time I wanna go with friends!! =D Maybe 10 days trip!! hahahaha

So.. The tour agency we are following is PYO Travel. The price of the tour is lower than other tour agency haha But errrr suprisingly its also quite good!!! Super love the tour guide because he's so good!!! He's a freelance tour guide btw haha His name is Juno ^.^

And I went there for 7 days 6 nights ^__^ Stayed in 4 different hotels! All the hotels are quite ok =D And and we have a tour guide assistant, he is super good and handsome leh. Haha Btw he's mix korean and chinese. XD

One reason why PYO travel's tour is cheaper : They use Airasia X not Korean Air. Haha But actually I dont really care about what airline we are using. Important is we can reach the same destination safely hahaha right right? =pp

mummie beside me !

We landed in Incheon International Airport at around 8am (Korea time). It took us around 6 hours to fly there =)) Juno (the tour guide) told us we have to change our itinerary so that we can spend less time on the bus and more time on the destination XD

some store in the airport ^.^ and mum filling up water haha
Spot this in the airport HAHAHAHAHA
Breakfast in the airport XD
So after landing.. we went for early lunch! Because every one are like so hungry already haha! Paid 15000 won (RM45) for each person (buffet lunch). We went for BBQ (my favourite hehe) Our lunch place is located near Everland. ^^

45000 won for three person. (Buffet lunch) RM135 .____-  expensive +.+

the restaurant haha! Quite unique

Overall the food was so yummy!!!!! There are lots of variety of meat. Heheh but still RM45 for each person is abit costly :X Can try la if u want to. MYGOD I miss it right now. *Tummy so noisy nao*

And also took some photo outside the restaurant haha. #LikeASakai HAHAHA

Our bus number plate  ^^
So after lunch we went to Everland (A fun-filled theme park to enjoy thrilling rides and a galore of lively entertainment)

Here we are!!!! Everland =D

so prettttyyyy ^^

Spring time ^^ everywhere flowers =DD Really a nice season to go =)



360 turnnnn omg

One thing I realised , Korean kids are really really cute!!! my god. Especially when they are wearing winter clothes my god. And some holding hands run together awww Cuteness Overloadddddd

Is this also called cabel car?? hahaha

mum was like quite scared to sit this HAHAHA

In the souvenier shop =D OMG WHY THEIR STUFF SO CUTE ONE.


Btw their stuff quite expensive. For example this pop corn costs us around RM10? =OOO

errr can u spot me HAHAHA
HI its me again XD



me again XD in the "cabel car"

 OKAY now more flowers are coming. Get ready hahahaa!


 Went to The Face Shop in Everland. hehehe

Spot SeoHyun hahahah CC cream

bought these back ^__^

Sooo thats all for Everland.
you liked it ? :P
Next stop is HanHyangjung Ginseng Farm ^__^
This korean uncle explains to us all about ginseng XD

 Ginseng Yogurt n a piece of ginseng for trying. The yogurt is really yumyum ^^

After that is Korean costume trying session WEEEE ^^ haha

So this is me wearing Hanbok hahaha
not nice T-T because my inner shirt too obvious haha

me and mummie HAHAHAHA


Next is Kimchi making session!!

 everyone given a chance to make their own kimchi hahaha

  ok teacher start teaching . shut up and learn !

 jeng jeng jeng jeng!! hahahaha

 Free pancake from them XD

Okay so next stop is of course dinner!!!! =DD

weee yum yum

the side dishes. my favourite among all is seaweed!!! hahaha others all i dont like @__@  
 Our first hotel in Korea is Yongpyong Resort!! Its located in Gangwon-do. Nice resort!!!!! =D At the back of the resort, they have their own ski area. So u can ski there ^^
The hotel room look like this

Max love full body length mirror =DD

OKAYYY so thats all for day 1 !!!!
Hope u liked it !!


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