Wednesday 24 April 2013

Korea trip : Mt.Sorak National Park

Hi everyone! xoxo

I decided to divide day 2 into different parts so that its easier to blog haha. If not one blog post will be way tooo long for me to finish haha!

Let get started! =D

Oh man, I really really love this country alot =D I wish to move there hehe.

So when I woke up in the morning of day 2 in Korea, I went and look outside the window. AND OMG, I SAW 雪山 (snow mountain? ) lolll. I was like OMGGG I WANNA GO OUT. hahaha
So we quickily go dress up and went for breakfast and then go take picture with the snow XD

wearing my ugly sweater lollll

BOTD - Breakfast of the day HAHAHA

This is what I saw at my hotel's room window. awww I wish everyday waking up n see this HAHAHHA

footprints hahaha

awwww snow in my hand ^.^


After that, we went for lunchie ^^ The lunch was super awesome!!!! SO YUM YUM. I guess this is the most tasty lunch in the 7 days. haha Not to worry its not spicy as it looks XD I really miss it sooo much. T_T
Btw this restaurant is located in Mt.Sorak.

SA LI VA TI NG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After lunchie, we went to the Mt. Sorak National Park!! =DD


Juno asking us to follow him ahahah

Everyone getting ready for a group photo haha

Nice senery they have ! =D

So next its cabel car session yay! Lets go to the mountain top!! =D

selca in the cabel car lollll

Spot this!!! hahaha

So after u reach , u need to climb a super high stairs in order to reach the mountain top. hahaha Thats really tiring omg

So this is the view where u are climbing up the stairs. GOOD MOTIVATION HAHAHA

still walking ...

still walking........ lol



Spot Korea's flag. Thats the top of the top hahhhaa Of course we gave up lolll

Ok time to go down XD
bought some thing to eat ~
Guess how much this stick costs us ..

RM 9

:O :O :O

Its like something cinnamon with sugar.
tried it out because alot of korean are eating it haha
But it doesnt really taste good ><

OK. Good bye , Zai Jian. HAHA

So thats all for Mt. Sorak National Park.

If u are more to sight seeing then u shud go to this place because they have really pretty senery ^.^ Make sure to take the cabel car (most fun part) haha

 Stay tuned xoxo
Next post is about teddy bear farm!

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