Tuesday 30 April 2013

Korea trip : Teddy Bear Museum

Hi guys! Today's topic is about Day two in Korea- Teddy Bear Museum. Hehe Its located somewhere near Mt.Sorak if im not mistaken :X hehe! Not so sure.. :P

jeng jeng jeng jeng!! hahaha

Teddy bears in Hanbok awww!

Got difference ?! HAHAHA

Loving my blue contacts. But cant wear it anymore T.T Having sensitive eyes now =O

Big boobies hahahaa

Saw this cutie pie korean mei mei haha =D

Yup, thats all for the teddy bear museum. Haha! Im not really a BIG fan of teddy bears btw. But its also worth going la to look look XD

College's orientation starts yesterday. Yesterday I was so bad luck. T^T First day of college got no electricity.. my god. And I got the wrong size of teeshirt. Lolllll Hope things get better =D

Eelynn is back from NS for a short break yay! Going out with the jimuis tomorrow. Good night everyone xoxo =D

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