Wednesday 15 May 2013

College life

Oops, looks like I haven been blogging for a long time hehe! Yeah, I just started my not-so-awesome college life haha! p/s im studying Accounting in Tarcollege =D Oh yeah, its a university college now! Means we are the first batch for study in this universiti college yay!!! HAHA

This college is just so damn big. Whenever we wanna go to a venue from a venue, it just take forever. And weather has been so hot these few days :O Global warming? x.x Walking under that super hot sun everyday just make my skin tanner and tanner lollll

Well, seniors are quite frienly and helpful. Andddd.. lectures are ok lah. But some so weirddd lol :x And tarcollege has a tons of chinese students XD haha

I saw a lot friend there too.. Primary school friends.. Neighbour.. Secondary school friends.. Tuition friends.. Long lost fren lollll So glad that I know someone in the college haha

I dont know whats wrong with my luck since I go to this college duhhh. Day 1 no electricity Day 3 no elctricity Day 6 No aircond Day 1 get wrong size tee shirt ..... pay TNB bill plsssss z.z

Alright! thats all for today's update =D

I'll try to blog about my korea trip next post ^^ stay tuned xoxo

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