Friday 24 May 2013

Korea trip : NAMI ISLAND !!

Yay , blogging about my korea trip again. DUUHH , time flies. Its almost two months since im back  from Korea. I miss that place soo much T___T Mummy asked me where to go next destination, I answer can we go to Korea again? HAHAHAHAH

So, Nami Island is the island that 'Winter Sonata' was shooted. In order to get to that island, of course we need to take a ferry ^__^ Its a pretty island btw =D

walking to the ferry ^^

SAY HI !!! XD so basically the ferry looks like this

meee selca lol

mee and mummy ^^

HOW CUTE IS THIS OMG hahah random kid on the ferry ^^


I looks like im goona fall down lol !

me and mummy =D

This aunty sells hot dogs .. REALLY YUMMY. MUST EAT!!!!



Do I look like a pervert lolllllllllllllllllll


hehehe lomo

In a music museum ^^

Time to end this post with love ^^

Nami Island is a nice place with great senery ^^
If u have a chance to visit there , remember to try out the hot dog ok !! hahaha
Last but not least ,
EXO - Wolf Teaser
Signing off ,

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