Saturday 30 July 2011

wonderful saturday ! :D !

went to enquiry some ttion centre today . with kai chyi and bhan . (:

after that , we went to old town yamcha ;] !
hahahaha . so many peopo using laptop . why i dont have ? :'( !!
our food :D !

my drink :)
kai chyi food :D
kai chyi drink :D

 after that , i went home .
uhmm , view the photos below and say .
why i so perasan please . hehehhe .

bhan's drink

very sorry to say . the photo are not arrange properly -.- !

byebye :)

Thursday 28 July 2011


im shoo bored here at home :'(
so come n crap here . lol !
k thx bai . :D !

see ya .


Sunday 24 July 2011

curve ? ikano ? ikea ? e-curve ? WHATEVER :P

oh yeah , i went to the above places today :D !
for what ?
obviously shopping, hehehehe.
well~ actually mummie need to g0 there for hair treatment. so , i accompany her :D !

let the photo talk kay ? (:

went to Brands Outlet :D !
ohh ! fitting room timeeeeeeeee HEHEHE. !

fair n square :b

hey , look at my colourful nailsss :PPP !

who is this ? i dun know her -____- LOL !
after that , we went to Popular , Padini , Mango , and so on :D !

uhmm, mummie bought me a pair of shoe and a graphic tee :D !
thankiuu mummie <3 ! wink wink*

after that , we went to e-curve for some food :D !
so we found this cafe called Gelare .
we are attracted by its icecreammmm :D
we called waffer :D with a scoop of iceceam.
mummie's is tiramisu . and mine is hazelnut.

u must try when u go to e-curve :D !

mine's :D !
we share a drink ! choclate oreoo :D !
HAHAHAHAHA. please please go n try , if not u shall regret ! XP !

tats all for today , CIAO x]]] !

SSTwo Mall

hello ! im back .
i went to SStwo mall Yesterday =DD !
its a new shopping complex. so, not musch things to shop HAHA !
my family n I went there and have dinner (:

view the picture n imagine urself what we did XD !

me , my stupid look :B
jeans n heels :D

the restaurant xD !

looking at the menu x)
of course ! i choose my favourite set xD !

miso soup is here !

except the drink n soup , all are salmon . HEHEHE!
btw, the drink colour look lik salmon colour too ? XDXD !

after eating, we went to Amy's house.
she stays in Mont Kiara :D

she n her drawing ;D


tats all for saturday :D ! byebye :)

one more photo. kekekeke.
SO CUTE ! thankieww (:

Friday 22 July 2011



hahaha. 2 posts in a day :D !

intro my school look . _

what reminds u eh ? HAHAHAHAHA !
twilight. hehehehehehehehehe :$ !
fine lo, i perasan lo , :'( ! LOLOL
same person ? O____0 ! hahaha,

CIK CAK ! CIK CAK ! hahaha,
oops ! too bright :P

hehehe, hello colourful nails :P !
im not propursly la okay. just trying the nail varnish to decide which colour to buy. SUGGESTION ? :D !
for me , blue n light green is naiseee .  ((;

weather is hot this few days . haze =/ !
looks lik im gonna fall sick ? OHNOO ! :((
take care everyone :D
  • nt in a good mood now :( a little dissapoined :'( !
  • can u try to study a little hard ? put an effort in everything u do . okay ? (:
  • goona sleep now. shall upload some nailvarnish pictures tomorrow . (:
byebye .


WHEEEE , i m happy now . :DD
let the pictures talk :B

what is this ???


its a HUGEEEE poster :D !

hmm. its was my old hair. that time i haven cut my fringe , so its longer than now :DD

thats the reason make me happy .

:DD !

buh byee <3 !

Thursday 21 July 2011

IM busy . yet im still here LOL

sometimes im just wondering .

为什么有一些人 就是这么得空 说别人的是非。
有口说别人的 为什么没口说知己呢
你家是不是 没有镜子啊
时间 就是给你们浪费 来说这些闲事啊 ?
上课不上 小小就学人家翘课 跟女朋友拍拖
所以 你认为你这样很帅吗?
收皮啦 -.-

t0day is thursday ,
i hate today ALOT. lol ! cause its a super busy day .
look at my title . IM busy , yet im still here .
LOL , on da comp because wan to do my sivik project . :DD
actually due date is today . but FUUYOH. i pass up tomorrow . so cool ya , i noe :PP

waiting for the weekend ! im bored at home . l0l.

good byez .
xoxo (:

Sunday 17 July 2011

im not okay .

look likes im going to fall sick . =/ having sore throat , cough and flu now o.o !
i dun wanna fall sick wey . help me god LOL.

planed to go curve this morning , because mum wanna go n do her hair treatment .
but canceled because appointment FULL. grhh :@
so , one more day staying at home . :/ maybe going out for dinner later ? :) *hurray*

hear that aaron yan is coming to the mines tonight ? LOL.
anybody going for that ? o.o
me , no transport =/ so nt going :'( !

skip _
check this out !! :DD
shoo cute =3
 click here to view =D
agree with me ? hehe !

skip _

enjoy (:
signature of bestie :DD !

uhm, its a picture few weeks ago LOL. sorrie :X

uhmm, what to say ?
just `LOL!!!` hahahahaha. weird o.o
4 kiara class photo :D spot me ? hahaha . :P

my name ! xD `chen yi` can see ? hahaha !

ugly face BOOO. hahahah !
out for jogging !
buh byeee =DD