Friday 8 July 2011

this is how i waste my time (: hehe!


naughty naughty arh today :P skip school .  hehehehe .
because its sports day . i noe u will be thinking ` so ? sports day no need go school ? `
my answer is ` I LIKE A . BLOW A B0ON (: ` :PPPP !

what u expect from me HAR ? not involve in anything also . go there to ? u will oni get sunburn . (:

oh my gucci tee =D dun jealous HEHE!
so i spent my morning in MCD , BSD .
actually we plan to dicuss about our sivik n bahasa cina project .

hmm. at least i did some account ? :P
but look at my face , what do u think ? obviously FAIL LOR HAHAHAHA ! :P

reach there at 9am .
met nick , celina , bilah (cow :P ) hahahaha* , ya nee , ee lynn , etc . XD
y.miko , samantha , stella came after that . :D
breakfast :)
milo :)

OH YEAHH ! camwhore time in on ! :D !

LOOK AT HER HAIR. MAKE ME SHOO ANGRY , GRHH. she say she wants to chop it away. i hope she can chop off n paste it on my head LOL :P such long hair :'(

ehhh ? why ini black n white ? HAHAHA !

seriously i dont look lik a 16 years old kid eh ? HEHEHEHE :P blekk .

after that , ya nee went home :/

so , i went down n join another gang :DD
they are busying with the banner . so i help them :D n aso stalk them HAHAHA !
this is what come out after 3 hours LOL ! :P

so cute laaa ! haha

clap hand pleaseeee xD !

finally 12pm is here :DD
time to buy GCB . yarrr ? hahaha .
y.miko's GCB :D
mummie pick me up at 1.30 pm .

went back home to have nap :DD sleeping is .. actually .. one of my hobby :DD !
went to add maths ttion at 8pm.
met yomiko, elanie, hans, juin hao, rocky, mark, da bian (chen lam) HAHAHA, chee siang, guan hong, kahmann ETC.

sorry im to free to write all their names out HEHEE :P
ignore me loh ! hmph

ohh, its 12am now HAHA! so ya. good night.

time to boil porridge with ban mee :D !
we always boil porridge midnight HEHEHE. :P so ? (:

good night everyone . bye bye . dont forget to miss me thankiew .

p/s 1 : if there are photos repeated in this post , I AM SO SORRY. i dont know wad to do with it. LOL :X !
p/s 2 : ban mee is shoo kyott :P hahahaha . !

i am happy today .

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