Saturday 16 July 2011

home sweet home :D

oh its SATURDAY ! :D its a free day for me :D !
woke up 10 in da morning . went to facial :D

went to my auntie house too :D
met my cousin . haha !

afternoon - homework time . SIGHHH ! >(
but until half , i was so bored . soo , look


jiang jiang * ! picture time :P

introduction of creature that accompany me everyday HAHAHA.
mr.spongebob :b bought him at GUILIN. :D
mr.garfield . WOOTS. hahahah. from toyRus :D

mr.domo here :D ! present from y.miko :D

mr. doggie ? LOL !!! bought him from ou (:
nice to see nice to hug <3 haha ! from CURVE (:

teddddy :D present from stella :D

having sore throat now . SOB SOB :(( !
bought this . hope can recover faster LOL !
good night . BUH BYEEE .
xoxo . have a sweet dream.

12 pm now . LOL !!! = = i love u. byebye<3

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