Sunday 17 July 2011

im not okay .

look likes im going to fall sick . =/ having sore throat , cough and flu now o.o !
i dun wanna fall sick wey . help me god LOL.

planed to go curve this morning , because mum wanna go n do her hair treatment .
but canceled because appointment FULL. grhh :@
so , one more day staying at home . :/ maybe going out for dinner later ? :) *hurray*

hear that aaron yan is coming to the mines tonight ? LOL.
anybody going for that ? o.o
me , no transport =/ so nt going :'( !

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check this out !! :DD
shoo cute =3
 click here to view =D
agree with me ? hehe !

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enjoy (:
signature of bestie :DD !

uhm, its a picture few weeks ago LOL. sorrie :X

uhmm, what to say ?
just `LOL!!!` hahahahaha. weird o.o
4 kiara class photo :D spot me ? hahaha . :P

my name ! xD `chen yi` can see ? hahaha !

ugly face BOOO. hahahah !
out for jogging !
buh byeee =DD

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