Friday 15 July 2011

school .

hello imma back ! xD

im so so so lazy this week =/ i just dont know why LOLL.
din finish my homework four days out of five days. one word to describe me LOL. LAZY

thursday .

idk why i hate thursday . LOL . every thursday macam very tired =/ !
take n nap in the afternoon. then guess what ? i need to go ttion at 5.30pm.
and i woke up at 5.40. fuyohhh. hahhahaha. but at last still go .
alarm nt ringing , idk why -.- LOL. lucky nt late for ttion .

didnt do any homework on tat day ,
so copy homework on FRIDAY .

so friday (today) become a busy day LOL !!!
two teacher din come HURRAY !! :D
but sad case , we have two period of  Puan R.

grhhh. stand for almost two periods. i tell u , her hobby is saying this :

`` Answer this question , i will give u pebel marks .
    oh ? nobody answering ? well , stand up everybody . ``

nt sien meh ? -.- everytime she come in ,
ya , this is what she is going to say =.=


exam is coming again. FTW!!! D:
at least !! we have one more month to go LOL. better study hard. :/

good night peepoo .

photo of the day ? LOL !!

bye . xoxo (:

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