Sunday 30 October 2011

The Day .

im officially six-teen now :))

its my birthday , but oppositly i didnt celebrate and celebrate my relatives wedding LOL.


woke up at 11am . saw the birthday wishes on my facebook wall, message and also phone's inbox.
thankyou so much :') haha

then , went out and get my present . LOL. joking , its nt mine . its mum's :) its a car! xD

the number plate :P
let me tell u what 9578 stands for :D 
95 is the year i was born . and 78 is my house number. 
haha , :D so nice rite
so i say this car is for me . LOLOL . joke joke :P 

after that , went and eat lunch :)
then dress up myself and went to da wedding .
its soooooooo far , take us more than one hour to reach there . LOL

its loook good rite ? but i dont like the taste . so bitter :S
i dont like the taste of BEERRRR.

me + cousin
sorry for the blur photo LOL .

reach home at 12 am . so tireddddddd .
LOL. sleep at 2 am i think . :/

thankyou for all the present :')
iloveuall! :P
and and dont forget this! :b

view this post :D <333 :) click me !

thankyou bebe :') <3! love u forever :b