Thursday 20 October 2011

My love .

helllooo :) i just woke up at 11.30am. its like a long long time i didnt sleep until so late . HAHAHAH! feel of satisfication. so , im goona put my books aside and sit infront of the computer since its HOLIDAYYY! HAHA pass three weeks im having exam. omg , so stress =/ ! but nevermine! its overrrr! XD . for now , only two more subject to go :D economic and mandarin for me!

well , dunoo when mum bought me a shoe! i like it very much. so im gonna share it to u XD .

its nt expensive! so faster go get it before sold out HAHAHA.
i love it so damn much although its simple or what . XD

next next :3
i just cut my hair XD !


anddd , thanks thanks! the one who bought me this HEHEHE

 do i look better in long hair ? LOL . !
its raining and raining this few days!
so take care guys! do play in the rain XD .

raining heavily outside!
 kkk , im want to go watch my show now!

wait wait , anyone going sunway giza tonight ? LOL!

p/s : i din cut my hair HEHE! bai!

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