Friday 28 October 2011


Good Evening World (:
im gonna simplify , summarize what i did in tuesday , wednesday , thursday and today IN PHOTO FORM.

tuesday - sushi king ((:
wednesday - one U . ((:

spot the rilakuma. its a ipone4 case. soo nice! LOL
and spot the keyboard dock . someone buy for me pleasee. LOL
and the black blur photo is a accident shot. HEHE!

thursday _ school day :D

helo! i went to school thurday. IMAGINE AND SEE LAR HOW RAJIN AM I
LOL , actually i went back for my accounts paper.
and the whole day , we do nothing in the school . -___-
i managed to get a B+ for my accounts. i feel so freakkkinggg happy!
LOL , its like WOW, i always get a C or D for my accounts lolol.

after that , went to mcd with elaine , karen and amanda :}
then go tuition until so late . and sleep like a dead pig. HEHEHE.

Friday -
went to with my two babes todayy ((:

well , lazy to type . just view the photos ((:

mee :3

spent 30bucks for this. LOL

ee lynn + me
me + ya nee
our lunch XD
i want this . but before that ,

look at the idiot price tag. lol. even got discount ,
im not so rich! cant afford a bottle worth RM80++ LOL.

funny spec 8D hahahahaha.
 have a nice day HEHE! thanks guys :')

till here! remember to follow mee (:
byebye ^^

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