Saturday 7 January 2012

Maggi Mee

Maggi Mee ? Hmm.. feel hungry ? Hahahaha . Curl my hair in the salon yesterday (: temporary only.iloveitso much <3!  And I called it Maggi Mee ! :p

how ?? straight hair better ?

this is how it looks like at the back :p
ilovetheblingbling thing!!!
Of course i wont waste my money on the only . It`s because I & familyyy have to attend mum's company anual dinner :p The dinner is held at OneWorldHotel. FYI,its beside oneutama (:

So , we dress up ourself off to the hotel! XD Its quite early we reach there because we scare of JAM!
Dinner is in a Chinese Restaurant > Zuan Yuan (:

The food came superrrr late . =.= about 8.15pm. normal lor for malaysian's And we finish eating at nearly 10pm. Wtffff , so hungry u know ! >:( After dinner , its time for lucky draw! :D im always not lucky wtf +.+ Went back home at 11pm+

im super in love with ze hair !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heart the desert at the right bottom side :D !

one of the lucky draw present )



more photo please visit HERE ! :) thankieww . (:

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