Friday 6 January 2012

School Reopen

this is how i look in bajukurung and pinaform :p

First week of the school finished . WTF , the second day of the school reopen already got tons of homework waiting for me . LOLLL . and i dont know whether is lucky or unlucky > The very fierce Maths teacher are teaching us. ohmygawd~ !! everytime her period , everybody will be freaking nervous @@ btw , we can surely get and A or and A+ for our maths :D !

so hopefully we dont suffer alot in this year :p and happy school reopen everyone! (: do appreciate the time u can meet your friends :P this is the last year i meet all my friends in school . so yaa.. appreciate them XD . and enjoy ur school life peeps! (:

buhbye ^_^ have a nice day !

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