Sunday 1 January 2012

Time to look foward

HELLO PEEPS =D its 1st of January! happy new year and hope u all have a good year :} im taking SPM this year . good bless me please lol .

Sooo how ? where u went to countdown last night ? ;p I went to Curve . (sorry bebe! i cant go to dpc . hehe!)

Last night was super duper fuwnnnnn !  ♥ Went to Curve quite early lol! like 4pm . Then nothing to do , so mummy went to Yunam to do some hair treatmant XD

After that , we walk from Curve to Ikea to have dinner . YUMYUM! :D i heard that quite many people say the food there quite nice .Im shuper outdated lolololol. So ,we went there and have a try :D

After dinner , we went to the Stage there . YAY! party like a rockstar! so many people! the host says , there is like 15,000 people. whoaaaa LOL!

The only sad thing of the day is , I went back home like 11pm . WTF! >( due to some stupid reason. grh!

the first time i makeup and go out . lolol

free TGV ticket XD
salmon (cooked)

salcom also (fresh) ! SUPER DELICIOUS U KNOW !
price also resonable (:

rock the night! XD

im right in front of the stage LOL!!

reach home like 11 something . then go outside see fireworks (:

i took like 20 photo of the firework. but only one sucess . all phailed LOL!!!

okay , i shall end this post with my siao picture down here :)


My New Aim : SPM 7A's ? HEHEHEHE!

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