Tuesday 18 December 2012

Current life

Its been 2 weeks I finish my SPM. Horray, freedom!! I went to Philippine for a week. Came back and now working in a Yamaha Music Centre. Just started working yesterday. The boss very kind, let me go back early coz nothing to do lol

Actually I got the job in so sudden. I called and asked for an appointment for the interview. And he asked me to go immediately and start work the next day. :O Quite easy job ^^

I have to change my Korea trip from April to March. :/ Because April have to start studying college. So sad, cant get to catch the cherry blossom season =(((  81 days to my Korea trip (Y) Super excited!!! heheh

I want to change my blog skin. But so lazyyyyyy. How T____T

And oh yaaaa , anyone interested to work in the Bandar Sri Damansara Yamaha Music Centre in 2013 April ? Simple clerk job :) They contribute EPH and Socso for u :)) super nice hor ? Comment for details if ure interested ^^


  1. wad is EPH and Socso??? O.o
    so good nia, can go korea...
    SALARY how much? xD

  2. KWSP u know ?? haha
    u wanna go with me or not ?
    salary 1000 :D
