Tuesday 18 December 2012

KL with bebe

Every year end, bebe Yomiko and I will go to KL for shopping! So yes, this year we went too :) We went Timesquare, SgWang, Lot 10 and Pavillion. We wanted to go to Farenheit... but its raining :/ Very sad. Dont know why everytime we go KL also rain @#$%^&*$^

This time we din shop till broke leh. Clothes in timesquare and sgwang not nice ady :x I just bought a dress. :o My mum was suprise too hahaha She say EH? ONE ONLY?!

Monorail token haha
 Lunchie at Tony Roma's @ Pavillion

My Fish and Chips

look like fried chicken wtf

Bebe's Big Stack Burger

MAKE U HUNGRY ????????????

I look so errrr uncomfortable LOL

Christmas decoration in Pavillion

If u can see us .............................

In the train .. ^^

Bye! :p

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