Monday 17 December 2012

Manila@Philippine Day 1

Im back from my Philippine trip two days ago. Overall the trip was quite fun. I went with alot of kids, so the fun part is there!! I din do alot of shopping as i though :x Its okayy , still manage to get some cheap and nice stuff :D

Our flight was at 1something midnight. We took Cebu Pacific Airline ! :D Yes, the yellow plane hahaha. It took us around 4hrs to reach Manila airport from M'sia.

On my right side , DORA!!! :D

She got super nicer hair ~ T_T Only 9 years old got dye hair already :O

Chubby chubby :P my hair looks max messy

On my left - Shi Hua :DDD

5am Philippine :D  blur abit :(

Our first picture in Manila HAHAHA

We stayed in Maxims Hotel. Luxury hotel, omg! The hotel really super nice *thumbs up* =DD One thing Philippine very diffenrent from Msia, when u go in the hotel , they will body scan u first. If u got luggage, got K9(dog) will come out and check our luggage omg :o The security there is really.... good ! Even a cheap shopping complex also have to scan leh x.x

er hemmmmmm

Pool side

We went back to hotel to continue slepping haha until noon :D Then, we went to Old Penang for lunch. The food there not bad lah. The boss is Penang guy leh =D So we make new friends hahaha

first day outfit =D

In the cab !

If u can see............. my cousins are wearing the same tee!!!

MY FAVOURITE!!! Hainan Chicken

After that , we went to SC Hypermarket to buy some local speciality. Oh, Philippine are very famous for their dried mango :D 

Dinner @Chow King. I guess its one of their local fast food restaurant XD the food was ok only. The only nice one I tasted is the ChaoBao. haha Funneh name

Stay tuned ! xoxo

start working tomorrow :o god bless me! good night ;D

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