Thursday 3 January 2013

2013 January life

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ! So hows January ?? Good ? NO good ?

My silly faces ^.^
Just learned how to draw brows.................... HAHAHAHA

Good news, I just got my salary paid yesterday. HAHAHA Super happy leh =D My name on the cheque like first time hahaha! The satisfied feeling :D hehehe I worked for 12 days in Dec :)

So how january? For me, I need to work for 6 days a week x.x But luckily not too tired. =D Sufia bebe went to NS, goona miss her super much. She will be back in two months plus :) End of January im going Genting again weeee ! hehe

I got so much things to do with my salary. But.... I promised myself to give my mum that money T.T coz she bought the camera for me XD But nevermind lah, I use my January salary to do those stuff hehe! Until now, I haven take my driving test. So scared to drive, its like so scary :S I dont want the teacher to knock my head hahaha I scared until last night I dream that I failed my Undang test WTF hahaha And the teacher scolded me =/ nightmare >.<

And.. any suggestion what shud I do to my hair for coming chinese new year ? Feel like changing my hair style =D Im bored with this long hair ady =((  Shud I curl it or something ? Uhmmmm....


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