Monday 7 January 2013

Rakuzen Kitchen @ Desa Park City

Yesterday, grandma have dinner with us =D We went Dpc for dinner. Its better to sit outside when you eat here I guess. Coz got fresh air + nice view + natural light HAHAHA

SEE! very nice right ?? 有山有水 hahaha
Feeding fishes =DD
Mama and grandma =D

3 generation hahahaha
My MAMA =DD ^.^
one more with my mama =D
1st set !
Blog food at this time ._______-  not a right choice lol

2nd set !
shit wrong focus
3rd set which is my set yo ^.^
omg ...... abit creepy
OOTD.... i left my belt in the car lolllll
hiao pose hahahaha!! STUPID EYEBAGS -.-''

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