Monday 7 January 2013

Garden View Restaurant

New Year, 1.1.2013, first day of 2013. What u did ? I went lunchie with my family =D At Garden View Restaurant , Bukit Tinggi


anyone can tell me why the photo is in this long size ???? =((( isit the setting ?
GARDEN VIEW ???????????? u kidding me ?? haha

more like mountain + river view hahaha  *

dreaming to become millionaire hahahaha
my nails ^__^
mama =D
me =D
Toufu =D
made me learn to start eating long beans lolol (i used to hate it)
Salted egg sotong
Overcooked fish
No nice =/
Random baby haha cute or not!!!
Sky =DD
HI my senget hand

I cant wait for March30th to come  jsshjfnjdjdkifaoasirfvs

byez guys , have a nice day xoxo

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