Friday 28 February 2014

A happy day with mummy #throwback #buangbalik

Hello! I just finish one of my coursework test! Feeling abit relaxed haha. NO cannot fully relax because next is there will be more to come :<

Weather is so hot right now.. its makes me grumpy. =< Haha so why not I update my blog? ^^

This post is a outdated post lah sorry haha. Its one of the day during CNY with mummy =)

AH HA I admit I took a weird selca. HAHA head tilt till a kinda wrong angle XD 

Yes.. one of the cutest angpao from IKEA! =DD 
 I was craving for pancakes that time. Coz they look so soft and yummy..

So there goes my first time eating pancakes LOL!


Sorry this time I eat before the camera eat HAHAHA 

Carrot juice ^^ 

Mummy bought me new shampoo =)

The lady say its good to use the Hop Beer Shampoo and Conditioner for coloured hair like me.
I 've been using it for almost a month now.
I actually cant really see a difference T__T Hair is still falling very constantly . Even my brown hair is keep falling.
Well.. I guess its just time to cut my damaged hair off T-T

Btw , I like the Argan Oil at the left side. It smells very calm and nice ^^ Love it. I apply it after my I blow dry my hair. It does it jobs.. but the shine doesnt last very long =) 

New phone covers that I max love the ribbon one!

So simple and nice ^^ 


Well I was also craving for ramen. So we went to Goku Ramen for early dinner =))
The ramen wasnt that good =( It kinda disspoint me sob.. 

Collagen beauty set for me and Tan Tan ramen for mummy ^^ 

Hello new phone cover . U look so good in that shimmery peach dress yo ^^ 

OH !!! and this was the dessert for the ramen set =))

Creme Brulee .. first time eating this. I max love it!!! It kinda like crunchy on the top layer and soft on the bottom ^^ Yummy.... i miss it now! 

Hey look at this =DD Its a pillow (from the movie The Journey) . Its a very touching movie. ^^
Spend RM188 and above in Paradigm Mall and get 1 of this =D 
Okay.. time to sign off! Buh bye everyone


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